Monday, June 13

Solutions to 'I'm Bored Mom' this summer.........

Summer I'm bored Jars from Keepin The Castle

Here is my "I'm bored" mom solution. If it is an individual child complaining - then they can pick out of the individual I'm bored jar. If it is the family complaining or if that individual can convince the family they are bored, then the whole family gets to pick out of the family I'm bored jar. The catch is that almost 50% of the laminated strips that they can pick are chores. But there are some really fun ideas too. This is great for a rainy day activity when you are having a hard time trying to get your kids off the television. I have the printables for the list and toppers below. I wanted to keep my jars simple and not too fancy but I'm sure you could make these extra cute and add some ribbon!

Vacuum a room of moms choice
Do the dishes
Wash 5 windows of moms choice
Dust 2 bedrooms of moms choice
Clean the toilets
Mop the Kitchen Floor
Wash the cars
Sweep out the garage
Pick up or organize a messy part of your room
Write in your journal
Read your scriptures
Wipe off the kitchen counters and cupboards
Clean out the fridge
Clean a bathroom of moms choice
Do a chore of dads choice
Read a book
Write a book
Make a nature collage
Color pictures on the side walk with chalk
Act out a book
Make an indoor clubhouse
Perform a puppet show or play
Find costumes for and perform a story in the scriptures
Have an indoor picnic or tea party
Have a picnic in the back yard
Make homemade play-doh
Write a letter to a friend
Play shop with fake money
Rearrange the bedroom
Help mom bake something in the kitchen
Have a story time with flashlights in a dark room
Make music
Draw some art for grandparents
Go on a bug hunt
Make a hat
Play 4 square outside
Make a kite
Make food art
Carve a bar of soap into an animal
Draw chalk outlines of yourself, handprints and footprints
Find a sibling and play a board game
Find binoculars to watch birds
Cut out a magazine and glue it for a collage
Memorize a scripture
Write a poem
Choreograph a dance
Make origami
Write your own story and illustrate it

Pop popcorn and watch a movie
Visit the library
Make popsicles
Go on a bike ride
Go on a nature hike
Go to the museum
Pitch a tent
Go to the playground
Hunt for geocache
Go swimming
Visit the nearest state park
Weed the garden
Water all the plants and trees in the yard
Have a sprinkler party
Play any game of sports
Make or buy a bird feeder for the yard
Make a rubberband gun and have a war
Put things in a cup with a lid and try to guess their smell
Go to the airport and watch the planes take off and land
Scavenger Hunt
Go to the Mall with 5 dollars to spend
Go to a nursery and pick out a flower to plant
Have a paper airplane contest
Make tie-dye Tshirts
Go to the zoo or a botanical garden
Go to the pool
Go to the park
Play some water games
Make a slip-n-slide
Make an obstacle course
Go fishing
Get the video camera out and make some movies

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